What they’re saying about Wild Blueberries and health

Wonderful things come in small packages! And as you can see from the picture above, Canadian Wild Blueberries are tiny, which means more skin per kilo of fruit. More skin means more of the compounds that gives the berries their colour and an abundance of flavenoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins and polyphenols.

Which leads us on to why Canadian Wild Blueberries have such an amazing reputation for helping health and well being.

Please have a browse through the links below. You’ll be amazed by what you’ll discover. By the way, in some of these articles the writers use “blueberries” as shorthand for Wild Blueberries!   


For over twenty years, scientists have been researching the connection between Wild Blueberries and brain health.

Reverse Cognitive Decline in Elderly People

Anti-aging Berries

Reduce Memory Loss

Look & Feel Younger

How to Slow Aging

Anthony William

Here are some of the reasons Anthony William calls Wild Blueberries “the ultimate healing food”.

Wild Blueberry 3 Day Challenge

5 Foods That Can Change Your Life

The Connection Between Weight Gain And The Liver

Heavy Metal Detox

General Health

The flavenoids & phytonutrients in Wild Blueberries have been lined to a wide variety of health benefits.

Lower Blood Pressure

Lower Blood Sugar

Lift Your Mood

Lower Your Disease Risk


Wild Blueberries are proven to be one of the best sources of antioxidants.

These Foods Rank Highest for Antioxidants

Healthy Foods You Should Be Eating

The 11 Best Sources of Antioxidants


Inflammation is linked to many health problems and Wild Blueberries are considered to be among the best anti-inflammatory foods.

The Best Anti-inflammatory Foods

Healthy Fruits To Beat Inflammation & Boost Brain Health

Well that's amazing!

Take a look at this short clip from the ITV Tonight show, explaining some amazing research at Newcastle University, into the benefits of Wild Blueberries

“There’s always a new hot thing, but antioxidants are in every fruit and vegetable so I recommend people eat a wide variety, especially the brightly coloured ones like Wild Blueberries.”

Alissa Rumsey, R.D., C.D.N.

New York Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.